The NETwork Metro Atlanta currently has over 1,000 active members and we want you to be the next one!

"Lights, camera, action! The Network Bar (event hosted by the in DFW Chapter) was like a movie. Shimmery glasses accompanied with great dishes served fresh for your choosing. All of this food talk reminds me of the true hunger The NETwork BICP, serves.
The NETwork BICP was tasked to put back into the underrepresented communities and have sense delivered on that task. Through the right connections and interactions, those that donated to those who are with or without, whether it be time, knowledge, or money; they came with great intention. We may have left no dish unturned but as small as it may seem, going even bigger, there was not any stone unturned looking to make a difference in underrepresented communities. Networking is about a (NET) that (Works). The NETwork BICP is a safety (net) for those who are willing to show up and put in the (work). After all, you can’t have a movie without a Production Crew."
Annastasia Shufford
The NETwork DFW Member and Mobility Executive - AT&T National Business.
Active Member
An active employee of AT&T shall be eligible for membership as an Active Member. This person will be a member of a local chapter and in good standing per the local chapter by-laws.
Associate Member
This category is open to former employees of AT&T (resigned, terminated, or surplused) and retirees that reside in the geographical area of a local chapter, or in reasonably close proximity to said chapter, so long as they do not work for a competitor or engage in a competing business in any fashion. The Associate Member will also maintain membership with a local chapter and be a member in good standing per the local chapter by-laws.
Associate Members may not hold a national, regional or local office and are not eligible to vote on national or regional issues, but they may chair and participate on local committees and vote on local issues.
Associate Members are excluded from having access to any company proprietary information that is shared with Active Members in connection with any joint company and/or The NETwork projects or initiatives.
At-Large Member
An active employee who works virtually or a retired employee of AT&T who is not currently employed by a competitor of AT&T shall be eligible for membership as an At-Large Member if their work location, or residence for a retiree, is not within a geographic jurisdiction of an established chapter.